January 11, 1975 Dearest Momma & Daddy-- Don't have much time to write so will use an airgram -- these will be really nice when we get our typewriter and can put more on them. Dr. Teer is leaving for Nairobi tomorrow, then S. Africa so I don't know when he will get back to Texas -- he told us you asked him to call so maybe he won't forget. It has really been nice having "home-folks" visit, but I'm tired of cooking 3 big meals a day. At the moment I can't find the checkbook but the next check was written to A&M for $50 tuition and the next one for $150 to the Arusha account. Joe will go to Nairobi sometime during the first week in February to pick up A&M Toyota & other A&M things. Will try to call you then. Joe is depressed about his project -- may not be able to shoot the birds he needs in the Park. However, things will probably work out reasonably well. Within the next 2 weeks we will probably start our monthly collection of data. Your grandaughter is restricted to the house for the next 3 days -- playing with matches. It has been epidemic around here -- _all_ the kids have been doing it. Received the Xmas cards from the Barracks and the Franciscos -- both this week. Jane Goodall & Hubby were seen -- she is very drab looking. Stephanie talked to her (at a cocktail party!) but only remembers her shawl and something about monkeys with tails only 3 inches long. Also saw Dr. Gmizk (mispelled) of the book, _Serengeti Shall Not Die_ fame. Very distinguished. Much love, Jan, Joe & Stephanie