Jan 21, 1975 Dearest Mother & Daddy-- So sorry to hear about A. Margurite. Your letter dated Jan 2 only arrived yesterday so of course I really donıt know anything about her current condition. I hope things will be OK. Give my love to all the family. Stephanie loves the pictures you are sending as well as the cartoons _and_ her own personal letters. As soon as I locate the right camera (or get my own from our imaginary box) I will return the favor. Oh yes, Dr. Teer took a couple of pictures of us and the house and promises to eventually send them to you. He also took back a small present for you, Mother, which he will mail to you. Would have mailed it to you but I gave Elizabethıs present (a doll, of course) away so a little girl here could have a Christmas present; therefore, decided not to send anything until could get back to Nairobi. While I am thinking of it -- could you send us X-Rox copies of our W-2 forms and all the oil royalty check stubs? I think our income tax forms are sent to Leon and could you get him to mail those to us too? We will fill it out, sign it, and mail it back to you to attach the W-2ıs to it and mail to Austin or whereever. Sine we will get a return (unless those royalties eat it up), I want to file instead of waiting until we return to U.S. Will close and try to get a ntoe off to Leon & Elizabeth. Please keep us in touch with news from W. Texas. Much love Jan, Joe & Stephanie