Neil Gaiman
American Gods, Neverwhere, Sandman,...

AggieCon staffers are thrilled to present Neil Gaiman as AggieCon 2002's Guest of Honor.

Raised by wolves in the San Joaquin Valley, Gaiman was first noticed by civilization when he was caught in a bear trap and discovered by the fur trapper shortly before he finished gnawing through his left arm to esc--

...oops, different guest...

Gaiman achieved instant celebrity as the dashing young test pilot who broke the sound barrier--, that doesn't sound quite right...

The lovely and talented Neil Gaiman walked a strange road to the dictatorship of a small tropical countr--

...I'm sure that's not it, either...

How about this?

Neil Gaiman.
He's written a bunch of stuff.
Lots of people like it.

For more info about Neil, his most recent writings, his American Gods online journal, and more, visit his webpage at

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Haiku format!

Neil Gaiman. He has
written a bunch of stuff. Lots
of people like it.