
Here is an online form for mail-in registration, which will open in a new browser window. After you are finished with the registration form, return to the Registraion page by closing the browser window containing the registration form.

Full-convention pre-registration Adult, Student (TAMU and other colleges), and Child memberships are available online via credit card through the MSC Box Office website.

Prices for reigstration for AggieCon 33 are as follows:

Deadline for pre-registration is March 1.

  • Pre-registration prices:
    • $20 - Non-students
    • $16 - Students (TAMU and other colleges)
    • $6 - Children (3-12)
    • Single day passes only available at the door.

  • At the door:
    • $22 - Non-student
    • $18 - Student (TAMU and other colleges)
    • $15 - One day pass (each day, including Sunday)
    • $6 - Children (3-12)

You may also call the TAMU Box Office at 979/845-1234 (TAMU Box Office) to purchase memberships by credit card, or mail a check payable to "Aggiecon" and the registration form to:

      AggieCon 33
      Memorial Student Center Box J-1
      Texas A&M University
      TAMUS 1237
      College Station, TX 77844-1237

      Phone: 979/845-1515
      Fax: 979/845-5117

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