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I do some web design
in addition to my personal site. Live sites are ones that
I currently administer, while Archive refers to sites that I don't
currently maintain or that no longer exist that I have archived for reference purposes.
- Cant Sleep Con Will Eat
Live The site of my manga - I draw it and webmaster for it.
- ConDFW 2003
Live I'm the
current webmaster for this science fiction con to be held in Dallas, TX in
February 2003. My first foray into really, really basic PHP, using the 'include'
tag. I'm working on learning more PHP and MySQL.
- MurphyCon
Live but
only technically. MurphyCon is the name of the con the characters in
Can't Sleep Con Will Eat Me put on, and this will eventually be a webpage
for it. I've got lots of ideas, but little time...
- AggieCon
Archive I was webmaster for AggieCon 2001. The page that
first appears is the temporary page I put up during the transition from the 2001 con to
the 2002 con, but the link below it will take you to the full webpage.
- AggieCon
Archive I created the original webpage for AggieCon
2002, and the site maintenance was later taken over by the next webmaster,
but they kept my design.
- SCOLA 2002
Archive I did the webpage
for the 2002 Student Conference on Latino Affairs, held by CAMAC, a
student committee at Texas A&M University. This is an example of the sort of
thing that can happen when requirements change after the design has been
finished. The Student Programs Office decided, a couple of months after I had
my spiffy design
finished, to require that all webpages feature the MSC logo with a minimum
size of 140x140 pixels. My design was done using the previous logo, which
was at a size of about 50x50 pixels. You can pretty much guess what
happened next - I had to shoehorn it in. Oh well. Live and learn.
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