aggiecon 2001: march 22-25   MSC Cepheid Variable  Texas A&M University

What is AggieCon?
Con Programming
Anime Room
Art Show
Charity Auction
Dealers' Room
Program Book
Con Information
What is AggieCon?
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game master/storyteller sign-up

Thank you for showing interest in running a game at this year's AggieCon. Please fill out the form below to give us some necessary information concerning the game you would like to run. Once we receive the form with the request information, we will email you a copy of it to confirm your request and to supply you with a copy.

All pertinent information will eventually be put on one page as a sign-up sheet for AggieCon attendees.

To be eligible for a free AggieCon registration, the Game Master or Storyteller must run at least two games. Helpers and NPCs will not receive free registration.

Game Masters and Storytellers -- please enter both your real name and the name you want on your badge. Do the same for helpers and NPCs so we can have their badges ready when they purchase their registration.

We do not charge attendees for individual games, but please enter the cost of the game, if applicable, and we will speak to you accordingly.

Gaming Request Form

Fill out the fields that apply to your game, and leave blank any fields that do not apply.

Contact Information:

Make sure to supply us with your name and email address, otherwise we will not be able to contact you.

Your email address:

Your real name:

Game Information:

1. Name of Game:

2. Game Publisher/Company:

3. Type of Game (tabletop, miniature, LARP, etc.):

4. Host/Sponser for the Game (if any):

5. Real name of GM/ST:

6. Name of GM/ST for Badge:

7. Names (real and badge) of Additional GM/STs (if needed):

8. Names (real and badge) of Helpers/NPCs:

9. Description of Games (2-3 sentences):

10. Teaser (if any):

11. Number of Players ('limited to XX' or 'unlimited'):

12. Other information for players that was not listed above:

13. Costs (if any):

GM Information:

14. Name:

15. Street Address:

16. City/State/Zip

17. Telephone Number

18. Email Address:

19. Time available to run games/flexible?

20. Requested times (Th/F/S/Sun) [unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a specific time]:

21. Requested amount of rooms (minimum-maximum):

22. Equipment needed (tables, etc.):

23. Additional rules and limitations for the players (real weapons, age, etc.):

24. Usual number of players:

25. Usual duration of games:

26. If there are costs involved, please explain them here:

27. Other information for AggieCon staff not listed above:

To submit your information, press this button:

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